Friday, September 26, 2014

Mission: Chick Brooder by Zoe

     In preparation for the arrival of our one hundred laying hen chicks and fifty broiler chicks, I decided to make a brooder. After looking at several designs and adding my own preferences, I came up with a suitable brooder.
Building the frame. 

Adding the wire to the sides for ventilation.

The finished side.

The retro corrugated plastic lids on our first (#1) brooder.

On the inside

The happy chicks in their new home.

      I am so happy we decided to go with the corrugated plastic for the lids. They accomplish two things: they add light to the brooder and make the lids very light weight. I love that the light can hang inside the brooder and that the brooder is deep enough to keep the birds from flying out. I also like the wire sides for ventilation. All around, I love the brooder!

7l 237.7 Oz 1.84 Gallon Layer Chicken Chick Poultry Foul Waterer Bucket, Durable Plastic Clear/red

Plastic Flip Top Poultry Feeder

Bayco SL-302B3 10-1/2-Inch Brooder Clamp Light with Porcelain Ceramic Socket

1 comment:

BrightArrowsFarm said...

When brooding chicks in cold weather, we'll cover the wire sides to keep in heat.