Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Beauty Around You

 Finding the beauty in the everyday has become a passion of mine, and with this passion comes a multitude of benefits: peace, joy, happiness, rest and mindfulness to name a few. Looking for the beauty in the day-to-day takes determination at first because of the frantic pace of our lives in the here-and-now, but the results are totally worth the effort.

 This journey, this choice to live our everyday life with intention, requires that we train ourselves to actually be still in the hurry of life. To look for the lovely, the unseen, the unusual. It's so easy to fall into the "same old, same old" mindset that has us believe that every day is just like another; that we're on a never-ending treadmill. I've come to realize that this mindset is deadly! It actually prevents us from fully becoming who God created us to be!

To actually look for beauty and to be still in the busy-ness of life requires commitment to a purpose. One of my purposes is to fill my life with more gratitude. You search out your own purposes or reasons for committing to a more intentional, beauty filled life: your health, faith, personal growth, simplicity and on and on. Everyone's purpose may be different. The point is to find your purpose for pursuing beauty in the everyday and living life more fully.

Today is the Day! Don't let another day pass before you take a moment to be still. To sit in quiet. To contemplate something of beauty. And to be grateful.


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